2024 Marketing Trends to Consider in Your Strategy

Heads up, or should I say heads down marketers! It’s 2024 now and it’s time to crack on and revamp your marketing strategy. Gone are the 2023 plans to jump on the bandwagon of the X rebrand or trying to jump on every TikTok trend.

2024 Marketing Trends to Consider in Your Strategy

Heads up, or should I say heads down marketers! It’s 2024 now and it’s time to crack on and revamp your marketing strategy. Gone are the 2023 plans to jump on the bandwagon of the X rebrand or trying to jump on every TikTok trend.

This is the year to be better, to grow your creativity, and to get s*** done! So, with that in mind, here’s my top marketing trends you should consider in your strategy this year.

Get Personal with Personalisation

Alright, picture this: the world of marketing is like a grand masquerade ball, and personalisation is your golden ticket to standing out in the crowd. Gone are the days of generic, one-size-fits-all messages that feel about as personal as a canned ham. 

Today's consumers crave an experience tailored just for them, like a bespoke suit or a custom-made latte with extra foam and a sprinkle of unicorn magic. Personalisation is not just a trend; it's the secret sauce that turns an ‘ok’ campaign into a dazzling fireworks display of relevance and captivation.

Think of it as the difference between receiving a generic email that could be meant for your grandma's neighbour's cat, and getting a message so spot-on that it feels like the sender has been sipping tea, chatting with you on your lunch break. So, embrace the power of personalisation – because in a world of cookie-cutter strategies, being the life of the marketing party is where the real magic happens! Remember - data is king - use it right and your campaigns will hit the mark.

Maximise the Use of Video Marketing

2024 is the year of Tik Toks, YouTube Shorts and Instagram Reels galore! Let's break it down. Video marketing is crucial because people love watching videos (yes it’s as simple as that). Every year we fight more and more for people’s attention, in a world where attention spans are short, videos stand out. They're a powerful way to explain things clearly, entertain, and connect with your audience on an emotional level (this links back to my point on personalisation!). 

People prefer watching over reading, so using videos in your marketing strategy helps you reach and engage more people. It's not just an option; it's a smart move to make sure your brand gets noticed and remembered in the noisy online space. Invest in a good video editor, upskill your existing team, or use a video marketing agency, but whatever you choose, make video marketing part of that choice this year.

Build a Remarketing Strategy

Okay, so, picture this: remarketing is like a friendly reminder in the world of marketing. You know when you check out something online but then get distracted and click away? Well, remarketing is like tapping you on the shoulder and saying, "Hey, you forgot to finish checking out that cool thing you liked!" It's not about being pushy; it's more like a helpful nudge to take another look. 

Instead of letting potential customers slip away, it gives them a second chance to think about buying. So, for marketers, it's like having a smart assistant that brings people back to your products, giving you more opportunities to make a sale. It's a bit like having a backup plan to make sure you don't miss out on customers who might need a gentle reminder. 

Like I mentioned in video marketing, attention spans are shortening, customers don’t always complete a journey in one go, so nail your remarketing to make sure that no matter how many times it takes, they come back to you and complete that journey with you.

Selling Without Selling

Adopting a marketing strategy that "sells without selling" is crucial for several reasons. First and foremost, modern consumers are increasingly resistant to traditional, pushy sales tactics. They value authenticity, transparency, and meaningful connections with brands. By adopting a strategy that sells without the overt sales pitch, you create an environment of trust and credibility.

This approach aligns with the shift in consumer behaviour. People don't want to feel like they're being sold to; they want to make informed decisions based on genuine value and relevance. A strategy that emphasises educating, entertaining, or solving problems without a hard sell helps build a positive brand perception.

Selling without selling is about building long-term relationships. It's not just about making a one-time sale; it's about creating brand loyalty and turning customers into advocates. When your marketing and sales strategy focuses on providing value and addressing customer needs, you're more likely to retain customers and benefit from positive word-of-mouth.

Information is abundant nowadays, consumers have the power to research and compare products or services before making a purchase. An approach to your marketing strategy that sells without selling allows you to position your brand as a helpful resource rather than just another sales pitch. This customer-centric approach is not only effective but also ensures that your brand remains relevant and trusted in an ever-evolving and competitive marketplace.

If you’re not confident with any of these tactics, myself and the team here at Omni Group can help provide a variety of services from devising your marketing strategy to creating video masterpieces! Simply get in touch with us for a bespoke quote and discovery session.